
The Importance of Bees
Bees visit over 90% of the most common 107 crop types worldwide, making targeted pollination the most valuable service domesticated bees provide. While honey production represents an approximately USD $2-billion dollar global trade, bee pollination impacts through increased yields and higher quality products are estimated at several orders of magnitude larger.
Scheduling, logistics, management, stock multiplication and staff training all play important roles in developing beekeeping capability.
Dwindling numbers of wild and managed insect pollinators both in numbers and species in combination with recent declines in numbers of managed honeybee colonies have contributed to concerns about overall pollinator availability. This creates an incredible opportunity to build-out beekeeping enterprises which provide pollination services, breed improved honeybees or establish high-value honey markets to empower local beekeeping communities which then in turn improves pollinator availability.
Scheduling, logistics, management, stock multiplication and staff training all play important roles in developing beekeeping capability. FutureBees NZ are global experts in helping clients think through their beekeeping business models and develop viable and sustainable operations. We can help you understand the challenges and opportunities in your desired niche of beekeeping.
Working closely with you, our team can help develop a strategy for your business or community to build your capacity for profitable beekeeping. We have a unique ability to help customers with little to no experience in beekeeping to develop their own business, scientific and technical approaches to beekeeping, bee products & services.
We are driven in our own business to find ways to help our clients to maintain a vibrant and genetically viable population of honey bees in order to ensure a thriving domesticated bee population world-wide. We do this by building capacity for understanding the economics of beekeeping and bee product processing while connecting conversations, skills, and techniques throughout market for hiveware, IoT and advances in beekeeping research across the globe.