Applied Technology in Beekeeping and Pollination


Today’s beekeeping technology ranges from the widely used box hive with moveable frames to highly advanced monitoring systems for bee activity and bee health. 

FutureBees NZ is working with suppliers for hiveware and other beekeeping equipment, with developers and manufacturers of honey extraction and -processing equipment, and with tech companies focused on cutting-edge application of hive telemetry and entomovectoring approaches for improved pollination.


Our focus is on bridging the gap between developers and the practical realities their clients are facing.

We firmly believe in evidence-based approaches to improving bee health and productivity, both for ourselves and our clients. In working with software developers and data scientists, both on our own team and within other tech companies, we aim to translate data into actionable information.

Some of the areas in which we are currently working include

  • Targeted bee nutrition
  • Review and evaluation of improved hiveware
  • Development of market-ready Internet-of-Things solutions for remote monitoring of beehives
  • Honey processing facility design